Part of the National Construction Summit taking place on 2nd - 3rd April at the National Arena, Sport Ireland Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin, Passive & NZEB Construction 2025 will focus on energy efficiency, energy conservation and high energy performance in buildings.

Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) are characterised by a very high energy performance and are designed to generate as much energy as is used. The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby, according to the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland).

Similarly, high energy performance is also a feature of Passive Buildings but here the emphasis is not on energy production but on energy reduction and the use of renewable energy sources to bridge any energy gap.

In accordance with the Building Regulations, the NZEB Standard will apply to all new buildings occupied after the 31st December 2020. For Public Sector bodies, the standard will apply to all new buildings owned and occupied by the 31st December 2018. As with previous Building Regulations there are transitional arrangements in place where buildings are occupied after these dates but work commenced prior to 31st December 2018 for Non Domestic Buildings and 31st October for Domestic Buildings.

Passive & NZEB Construction 2024 will highlight the latest trends and developments in this area and provide practical advice for visitors to enable them to keep up-to-date with changes in Building Regulations and Energy Ratings. The energy efficient products and technologies being showcased at the event include:

* High Performance Glazing & Insulation;
* Air Tight Construction;
* Heating Systems;
* Cooling & Ventilation Systems;
* Heat Recovery Systems;
* Heat Pumps;
* Exhaust Air Heat Pumps;
* Double Duct Heat Pumps;
* Nanotechnology for Power, Heat and Transport;
* Demand Control Ventilation;
* Group Heating Systems.